It was only a matter of time before murmurings of Shaun Alexander returning to the homeland to play football would begin. The rumors were expected but the visit the Bengals lined up for him was not.
If this were three years ago, Alexander would be a no-brainer. But he’s aged, he fumbles and his work ethic has been questioned in Seattle. We need to address the anemic running game, not pussy foot around it by bringing in another question mark to an already filled stable of questionable backs. I don’t envision Alexander being all that effective anymore and I’m out of patience to take a wait-and-see approach on him. He’s damaged goods from the scrap heap and unless he comes with a scratch-and-dent price tag, I don’t want him.
It seems I can’t avoid giving my take on the Chad issue, so I’ll briefly touch on it.
Ignore him.
Turn your head and pretend he isn’t there. Don’t take your 85 jerseys to Koch’s for Cyclones tickets. Cyclones tickets?! When we get swept up in the negative backlash which stems from his selfishness, then we make it easier to give him what he wants. He’s looking for attention, and we’re buying into it hand over fist. The fact STILL remains that HE IS UNDER CONTRACT!!! His options are to play or sit, and why would he sit out all year? He wouldn’t make his money for the season, he would still have two years on his contract and he wouldn’t be able to showcase his talents to other employers. It’s smart business to remind Mr. Johnson that if he didn’t like playing for this team, he shouldn’t have signed the contract.
Mr. Johnson says he’ll be a disruption, but by ignoring him, he can’t be. He won’t allow his on-field performance to slacken because he could stand to lose a great deal of money from other teams that way. He can’t physically fight his teammates or coaches (although he already has), because that’s assault. He can blabber to the media if he wants, but they only care if you do.
I know people aren’t going to ignore him. He’s made for TV and we’re a TV culture, but that’s the best way to beat him. Drew Rosenhaus knows that. It’s the reason why he puts Chad up to all these spectacles. And until he does something on the field, that’s all I have to say about Mr. Johnson.
-Mojokong- Hmmm...the civil servant who can't run or the talented prick?
nice words,
You forgot to mention that Sean Alexander sounds like Mike Tyson on helium when he talks, and nobody wants that around....
patients =should be patience
dave, there's only room for one grammar corrector around here and that's me. i already sent b an e mail about the patience/patients error yesterday (instead of being a terd and posting on it). back off.
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